Friday, April 30, 2010

Great site for advice, random stuff, stories, talking and moree! ESPECIALLY FOR TEENS AND TWEENS. =]?鈥?/a>

you can only see the forums after you sign up and sigh in. =]Great site for advice, random stuff, stories, talking and moree! ESPECIALLY FOR TEENS AND TWEENS. =]?
Good. Will it lure them away from Y!A?

Need some advice on teen dieting and workout plan?

I need some help losing weight. I'm an 18 y/o male, 6'2, and embarrassed to admit that i weigh 195 lbs. I would like to lose 25-30 lbs. I don't need to lose it in a month, but would like to be down to that in about 3-4 months. I want to lose weight, but I honestly don't know where to begin! I have cut down majorly on the junk food, and nearly cut out red meat. It is kinda working, but not nearly enough. I want to work out, but I really don't know how to begin.

I have heard SO many diet tips, but a lot of it is nearly impossible to do without having a health food store nearby or starving myself. I want to eat healthy and exercise, but I need some advice as to how to start it. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

B.T.W.: I have been down to 179 lbs. and felt great. I worked on the treadmill and tried my own diet, and it was working, then I lost my motivation. How can I stay motivated to keep at it when results seem so far away?Need some advice on teen dieting and workout plan?
Do Crunches. Lie on the floor (with or without a mat). Cross your arms in front of your chest. (Donot place both hands behind your head. Placing both hands behind your head can cause lower back problems in the long run as it places unnecessary stress on that part of your body from pulling on your head and neck.) Another alternative to crossing your arms in front of your chest is to lightly place your finger tips behind your ears, without pulling on your neck or ears to help raise you off the floor. Draw in your abdomen towards your spine while inhaling through your nose. Now raise your shoulders (upper torso) towards your knees, using strictly your abdominal muscles. It is very important not to lift your entire back off the floor, as this can cause back strain, and the extended movement does not help you develop six pack abs any faster. The most important part of the crunch is the initial flexing of your abs as you lift your shoulders off of the floor. As soon as you begin lifting off the floor exhale through your mouth, ending with a gasp once your shoulders are off the floor. Then pause for a second once you are at the top of the crunch and exhale the last bit of air from your diaphragm while flexing your abs. The proper breathing and flexing make all the difference. Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Do not let your head touch the ground and repeat.

Do Sit Ups. Lie on the floor, feet on the floor, knees up and hands behind your head or crossed on your chest. Sit all the way up, lifting your lower back off the floor along with your shoulder blades. Lower yourself down. Repeat. Once this becomes relatively easy for you (i.e. you can do a quite a bit with ease) start adding more challenges. Find an incline bench or do these on an exercise ball. Once you ';graduate'; from that, do weighted sit ups. Hold a weight on your chest while you do these. As these become easier, hold heavier and heavier weights. You might also try lifting your feet off the ground while doing the sit ups or alternating the leg in the air, like pretending to pedal while sitting up. If your hands are behind your head, bring your left knee up to touch your right elbow and then your right knee to the left elbow.

Do Leg Lifts. Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands at your sides. Lift your legs straight up (not bending your knees at all) until they're at a ninety degree angle (or close). Lower your legs and repeat without letting your legs touch the floor. For more challenge there is equipment at most gyms that will allow you to raise yourself up using your arms as support and dangle your legs. You can perform leg lifts there too. If you're using this piece of equipment, you can make it easier by just raising your knees to your chest. It's more difficult to raise your legs to a horizontal position with your legs straight. This helps firm up the lower abdomen. If you're truly a monster, try doing leg lifts with a medicine ball hanging from your feet. Or hang from a pull up bar and raise your legs in front of you all the way up to the bar. Still too easy?...

Do Jackknife Sit Ups. Lie down flat on the floor. Place your hands on the ground to your sides for balance; you can pick them up as you get used to the movement. Simultaneously raise your knees and torso so that your knees and face meet on an imaginary line extending from your pelvis to the ceiling. You should be able to kiss your knees at the top of the motion. Your legs will naturally fold bringing your feet towards your hips, much like a jackknife. Lie back down (i.e. ';spread out';) and repeat. Place a weight between your feet when you think you can handle it. What's that? More?

Do V-ups. Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands on the floor but this time extended out over your head. Simultaneously raise legs and torso. Don't bend your knees! What kind of V would it be if you bend your knees? Reach with your hands toward the raised feet. Touch your feet if possible (might require some flexibility). Relax, return to starting position and repeat. Add weight between feet to match your taste.

Static Hold and Side Statics. Put your body into the push-up position but with your elbows on the floor, and you whole body flat. This position is known as the static hold position and it trains your core (including your abs) to hold the body in place which is the real purpose of your abs. Hold this position for as long as possible, but you should be aiming to start off with at least 45 seconds, while seasoned ab workers known to achieve over 20 minute static holds. To perform the side static hold roll onto one side of your body and lift into the same position as before, but this time only one arm will be on the ground with the other arm pointed straight up the air and your non-weight bearing leg resting on your bottom leg. Once again, hold this for as long as possible

Train Your Oblique Muscles. It's not as important to work on your oblique muscles at first, but eventually you'll want to start working these too. These are the muscles to either side of your stomach. There are multiple ways to do this and anything that includes twisting your torso against a resistance counts. There are twisting machines at gyms, you can twist while you do sit-ups, you can do side bends, you can twist side to side with a medicine ball in hand, etc. Be aware though, that many beginners tend to have weak obliques compared to their abs (it simply isn't used as much in daily life) so go easy on the sides at first.

Other stuff Since it is, literally, the center of your body there are many other tricks you can use to train your abs, and some of the other movements will more or less involve your abs. Including every abdominal exercise in existence would make this article painfully long and new methods are being developed constantly. Now that you've made up your mind about a washboard mid-section, get creative! Find new ways to crunch, bend and twist in your daily life. Some possibilities include:

Use a stability ball. Do your crunches on the ball to introduce instability to your workout, which will improve your balance too. There are also lots of core exercises that can be done with a stability ball.You can also use a small bubble use for physical therapy.

Duck and twist during your daily routine. Reach with your left hand to things on your right and vice versa. If you feel like turning around to face something, see if you can do it with keeping your hips in place and twisting at the waist (warning: awkward when talking to other people, use only against inanimate objects). While walking or standing, pretend that something is coming toward you and you have to duck to get out of the way. Do this as often as you are comfortable or at times when it won't look weird. You can bend forward from the hips or, if you're really into it, bend at the knees too and really ';sink'; out of the way.

Lose Fat

Lift Weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Many people are afraid of getting huge due to weight lifting. This is meaningless. You will NOT gain a lot of mass if you're not taking in a lot of calories as well. Also keep in mind that most of the huge people you see on TV or in print achieve that state by going on high protein and high carb diets. They increase their calorie intake specifically to bulk up. So the fear of bulking up should NOT be a reason to not lift weights. As a rule of thumb, the larger the muscle the more energy it will burn to sustain itself. Therefore the most effective muscle groups to work for fat loss are large muscle groups: thighs and hamstrings, the back, and the chest. You can also lift your body weight without going to a gym, through push ups, sit ups, chin ups, etc.

Do Cardio. No matter how muscular your abs are that six pack isn't going to show if you cover it up with a layer of fat. Running, biking, swimming, stair climbing, jumping rope, tennis, volleyball, dancing, squash or any other activity that gets you moving and keeps you moving is a great way to burn fat. However, a cardio workout should be performed for at least 20 MINUTES to burn fat. Prior to this your body will simply run on its stored energy, which results in minimal fat loss. Cardio should always be done after your weight lifting workout. While lifting weights, you use stored, (carb) energy, thus, by doing cardio after weight training your body will have less stored energy to use and go straight into the fat storage for its energy use. The overall best way to shed fat fast is to do cardio(30 min minimum) right when you wake up. Your body will search for energy to use, when it finds nothing in your stomach, it will go directly to your fat storage for energy and the fat will burn up so fast!

Diet TipsKeep Metabolism Steady. Eating one small meal (such as a potato, a salad, etc.) every three hours that you are awake will not speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and slows with your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that metabolism burning calories and will help you lose weight.

Eat Smaller Dinners. Cut down on the size of your dinner. If you're hungry, snack on fruits or other healthy, low calorie snacks. Large dinners tend to hurt a fat loss process because most people aren't very active after dinner. This is the basis for advice along the lines of ';don't eat anything within X hours before going to bed';. The claim that your entire dinner is stored as fat isn't entirely true (the process is more complicated than that) but the fact you don't move after dinner is enough to hurt your cause. You can offset this by eating a larger lunch or snacking healthily before dinner. Fresh fruits or vegetables are excellent choices for curbing appetite not to mention other health benefits. A handful of nuts might do the same. Drink a large glass of water before sitting at the table.

Eat More Fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber. The recommended amount is actually not that much if you eat a healthy diet. ';Fiber foods'; include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. Other options are fiber supplements.

Eat Breakfast. Many people skip breakfast because they don't have time for it. Keep this in mind: You don't have time to skip breakfast, it's simply too valuable to skip. The fact that skipping breakfast messes up your concentration and other mental functions is beyond the scope of this article. The harm of skipping breakfast from a weight loss perspective is it makes you eat a huge lunch since your body hasn't had anything in the past 12 (or more) hours. When you eat a huge lunch you get that after meal drowsiness so now you're both unproductive and inactive. Cereals don't take much time to prepare and consume, and most of them are very healthy nowadays. If you are extremely pressed for time, consider grabbing a box of breakfast bars or a smoothie and throwing one in your bag when you leave for work or school. Some breakfast bars out there are also excellent sources of fiber.

Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently. This helps raise your metabolism too. It's not easy to do though since it's a relatively big change to most people's routines. But it doesn't have to be a full blown meal, simply eat often but less. A jar of nuts in the office will do just fine, grab a handful when you feel like it. Most fruits can last for a couple days without refrigeration, and if you have a refrigerator at the office, make use of it.

Drink More Water Everyday. Many places suggest 8 cups (2 L) of water a day. It sounds like an absurd amount of water, but actually, you can drink tea without sugar to make up some of the quota. In fact tea, especially green tea, rev up your ';metabolism'; (actually cause a temporary increase in calories burned).

For fat loss purposes, it is important to remind yourself that thirst is a much weaker stimuli than hunger. If you consistantly feel hungry after meals, don't immediately think that you need to eat more. You may simply be thirsty!

Needless to say there are many benefits of water. 69% of your body is made of it!


Lift Weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Many people are afraid of getting huge due to weight lifting. This is meaningless. You will NOT gain a lot of mass if you're not taking in a lot of calories as well. Also keep in mind that most of the huge people you see on TV or in print achieve that state by going on high protein and high carb diets. They increase their calorie intake specifically to bulk up. So the fear of bulking up should NOT be a reason to not lift weights. As a rule of thumb, the larger the muscle the more energy it will burn to sustain itself. Therefore the most effective muscle groups to work for fat loss are large muscle groups: thighs and hamstrings, the back, and the chest. You can also lift your body weight without going to a gym, through push ups, sit ups, chin ups, etc.Need some advice on teen dieting and workout plan?
i used to swim, and it thinned me out so much! i felt so great. i also used to run, and it was even more rewarding-- the only reason i stopped was because i didn't want to wake up early every morning.

make a plan, and stick to it. promise yourself you will excercise-- and be serious about it. write it down on the calendar or your planner and force yourself to do it. good luck!

First of all, don't be embarrassed, that gets you nowhere! You are taking steps to try and get healthier and you should be proud of that! Secondly, based on those numbers you are not all that 'heavy'. Based your height and weight, your BMI (body mass index) is 25, which they consider 'overweight' but 24.9 is 'normal', so a goal of losing 30 pounds may not be healthy or realistic for you. ANYHOW...

The best way to lose weight is to move more and eat less. Obviously the junk food thing is good, but starving yourself will not work. Not only will you be miserable but your body actually burns LESS fat that way. Try to eat a balanced diet, with lots of fresh food and lean meats. Don't think of it as 'dieting' try to just be moderate in what you do. If you are too strict you WILL lose motivation. One fun way to eat well is to rate everything you eat. Savor the first bite and give it a rating 0-10. If it is an 8 or higher, its worth it, have a LITTLE more. If not- dump it, why bother! With the exercise thing, if you don't like the treadmill, why do it? Turn on some music and dance for 20 minutes, play basketball, swim, ride your bike- whatever floats your boat- but choose something you like, and mix it up. There are some good resources and ideas at this site too, that might help too!
  • makeup show
  • Teens!?!? Who are good at relationship advice??? Pleas help?

    My name is Alice and I'm 14 and I don't really want to post my question up here....but any teen who is willing to give good advice pleas e-mail me!!! Thank you!!Teens!?!? Who are good at relationship advice??? Pleas help? Go to this website. He can give you advice.Teens!?!? Who are good at relationship advice??? Pleas help?

    Advice if you think your teen is crossing over into unsafe/unsavory sexual situations?

    daughter being too promiscuous and reaching out to a revolving door of boys. Hopefully not having actual sex, but at least heavy ';petting'; and has to be the beginning of a bad reputation at the very least. A cry for help or just sowing wild oats? Not happy with what might be happening but also don't want to push her further away into a worse situation.Advice if you think your teen is crossing over into unsafe/unsavory sexual situations?
    Depends how old she is tbh. No one wants to admit their children aren't little girls anymore, but if she's now at the age where she's becoming a woman then indulging in heavy petting is normal. I think it's unfair to label your own daughter as ';promiscuous';, and say she's going to get a bad reputation, especially when you have no evidence that she's actually having sex with multiple people.

    I agree that if she's 12/13 then perhaps her behaviour is too strong. However a 15/16 year old will indulge in kissing with boys. It's part of adolescence. It depends on her age what you should do about it.

    Just talk to her calmly about the dangers of unprotected sex and non barrier methods of contraception (how they may prevent pregnancy but not STIs etc) and trust her to make good decisions. I expect she's just a hormonally charged teenager exploring her sexuality, and won't continue for ever.

    If you think you may be seeing it worse than it is as she's your daughter (no one likes to think of their children doing things like this) then let it go. If you're genuinely concerned she is having underage sex then speak to her. But if she's a sensible girl trust her to make good choices.Advice if you think your teen is crossing over into unsafe/unsavory sexual situations?
    I think there is a difference between having a boyfriend, and making out with random guys.

    Any girl who does this, may have some abandonment issues and is looking for love and affection she feels she has missed somewhere along the line. It's not about having a reputation, it's an emotional problem.

    If your daughter has been through a divorce, or has issues with one or the other parent, this could be a cause. Maybe you could talk to the doctor for helpful advice on how to approach her ... maybe she could use some therapy, but again, i think that the approach could be very gentle, and the reason should not be ';because you are too loose'; --
    Im a guy teen and if I would want my mom to be involved it wold be cool if she could see me so she feels safe about it but when I flirt and hug and stuff for her to be cool about it! You know? And if it comes to more than that... U should break it up by bringing up somethng else todo

    If You Could Give Any Advice To A Person In Their Late Teens What Would It Be?

    You know when you think argh I wish I'd known that when I was younger or I wish I'd tried that...

    Cheers, much appreciated.

    ------Doesn't have to be about relationships put it in here as there weren't any suitable categories and this section is quite popular...If You Could Give Any Advice To A Person In Their Late Teens What Would It Be?
    Choose your major


    Choose good friends...

    Don't waste your time doing stupid things......time is very short !

    Enjoy every moment of your life!

    Be smart...!

    and be good...:)If You Could Give Any Advice To A Person In Their Late Teens What Would It Be?

    This is for YOU !

    This is a wonderful little story of inspiration and faith for those who are having a difficult time moving on and letting go of someone or something in your life.


    It is good to be a seeker, but sooner or later you have to be a finder. It is only then that you will be able to give the gift of yourself to someone in the world who is willing to accept it. If you are trying to change or accept anything about yourself or your life, the best place to start is to learn the art of letting go. You will need this skill every day of your life, so learn and practice; practice and learn.

    Learning how to let go is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom is found in the actual act of letting go. If you argue with that statement, think back to all the times you tried to let go and failed. Each time you failed, you learned something. When you finally made it, you were wiser, weren't you? You could know everything there is to know about letting go, but until you do something until you act on knowledge it is useless. Knowledge is learning how to let go, wisdom comes after you have done it.

    This is a little story about letting go and gaining strength. I have personally referred back to this story many times over the years and it has carried me through what could have been more painful and difficult situations and relationships in my life.

    Human nature can be a funny thing sometimes. You and I are so different, yet so much alike. I think sometimes you wonder if I really understand the things that you feel or are going through. YES, I've been there, usually out of fear, need or greed, nonetheless... I've been there. I have done exactly what you are doing. Like you, I usually had to be pushed out or have it become so unbearably painful that I have no other choice, then I would let go.

    I am often reminded of how a Gulf Coast Blue Crab grows. When it outgrows its present shell, it has to shed this old shell and grow a new one. IT HAS TO LET GO COMPLETELY, hold on to absolutely nothing all the way down to its fingers and claws. It has to let go of the struggle itself.

    But can you imagine having a choice in this situation? I am afraid I would want to hang on to the old comfortable shell until the end...wouldn't you? Just think of yourself, knowing that to live, you have to let go of your comfort. familiarity and protection. But also knowing that to stay in the old shell would limit you so to the point that eventually you would suffocate and die.

    Growth for the crab is very difficult. It has to risk shedding its old familiar shell, become a soft crab again and be vulnerable. To survive, it has to go to the bottom, go into the mud and be associated with other crabs also on the bottom. The surviving crab must learn to have faith that its shell will become firmer and larger each hour. It develops a faith in its pain while it is growing and maturing and learns to believe that it will be prepared for what is currently unknown to it.

    For me, letting go is an ongoing process. I don't know why it is so difficult to let go, until I begin to hold on to something or someone again. I not only hold on to people, places or things, I hold on to beliefs; beliefs that worked for years but are no longer useful to me.

    The crab story helps me understand that for the rest of my life I will be growing and like it or not, there with be changes taking place and with these changes there might be pain. What surprises me is that I can sometimes let go and experience the feelings with excited about what is in the future for me.

    Sometimes I can't wait to shed my shell, learn what I need to learn and get the old shell behind me. I hope that you can relate to some of this. When someone is trying to shed their shell, they are also trying to grow. If you don't let go, you may one day find yourself holding on to an empty, dying old shell. When we cling on to someone else, we slow him or her down and ourselves as well. To let go of another person, you must have no suggestions for them whatsoever; no arguments; no ';if you would only';; no ';someday you will';; no ';nothing!'; You have no advice for him/her, nothing more to teach or learn from this person. Remember, any struggle, any ';you ought to鈥榮'; any ';you shoulds'; any ';anything'; will keep you both where you are right now... struggling to get out of a shell that no longer fits. You have no solutions for anyone else at this moment in time. This is about YOU and YOUR growth.

    We simply must shed our own shells and grow. Remember, down to the ends of your fingers and claws, you must release any thought of holding on. Just think of letting go, growing stronger moving on with your life and experiencing what the world has waiting for you. You may let go just so much, feel the fear of the unknown and want to cling on more than ever before. Not so, this is your time to grow and be strong. Remember, you have no suggestions on when and how someone else should shed their shells and grow. This is about YOU and YOUR growth.

    When you finally let go or get kicked off enough times, you will go through the pain and begin growing your bright, clean, beautiful, new larger shell. This time you will be free. Free enough to swim wherever you choose, with knowledge enough to guide you there. You will have a shell large enough to feel confident in yourself and to grow within. You will be so beautiful that others will ask you how you got that way. They will want to learn from you how to let go of their old shells that have become too small to live in so that they too can grow and experience a wonderful life.

    An important thing to remember and think about, just to keep you humble. One day you will outgrow this beautiful new shell. However, each time you have outgrown a shell, you will go through some pain, but it will never be as difficult or as painful as the first time.


    Is there any websites that has teen advice?

    Yes there plenty. Try and

    Hope I helped :)Is there any websites that has teen advice?
    www.teenhelp.comIs there any websites that has teen advice?
    u can check thius

    IT IS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    Parents of teens please read I need advice!!?

    My husbands sister, age 13, so she is my sister in law. *Kate* just turned 13 and you know how girls are at that age. THey never listen to anyone and think they are queens, the thing is my 4 year old daughter has severe alergies. I have to use none sented and none colored soaps and special lotions the doctor gives us because anything else will make her break out in a horrible rash. Now *kate* always puts chapstick on my daughter the result is swollen lips, reddness, cracking and sometimes bleeding. I have told everyone including *kate* in front of her parents that my kid cant have these things and they have all seen what happens. *kate* will say she didnt do it or that she didnt know, each time this comes up. I tell her parents about this and they say she didnt know or we will talk to her. and again it will happen. SHe will also use scented lotions on my daughter. She is the only one in her household that uses these items let alone has the items. And my daughter says that *kate* putParents of teens please read I need advice!!?
    Keep your kid AWAY from them. Especially your husbands ******* stupid sister, only your husband can give a good yell at his Deranged sister ( if that was my sister and she was doing that to my kid or pet, I would have given her a real good lecture a LONG time ago, and if she still wouldn鈥檛 get the idea I would ground her to ever seeing the child again till she turned 15) If you want your child to be safe keep it away from her, I know this can cause a lot of rivalry between family, but your child is more important and I鈥檓 telling you getting through to a teen and one who is ALREADY this stupid is going to take a long time and your child will suffer.Parents of teens please read I need advice!!?
    You simply cannot have your daughter around Kate alone. She is being extremely dangerous - and at her age she knows what she is doing to your daughter, she is not stupid. Sounds vindictive, maybe jealous.
    stop all visitation and keep your daughter away from them!!! they obviously don't care about her safety and that is priority
    Just don't allow your daughter to be alone around her. Or just stop going over there if no one can seem to discipline Kate. That ridiculous -- and she may even be jealous of your daughter. Stay home or don't leave alone.

    You are good because I would have whipped my sister-in-laws ';a@@'; after the second time she put something allergic on my child. 13 is still a child but one who knows better!
    Try this. get photographs of a childs lips similar to your daughter that looks the way her lips do after an incident. I say to do this because you don't want to have your daughter go through the pain just for photos. show these to your in-laws and tell them ';Yes, it is that bad'; explain to them that you would like to include them in their granddaughter's life but, until they realize and stop endangering her, she will not be a part of their life. It sounds like your husband supports you which is good and it might be best to have him be the one to explain this to them. I hope it works out for you.
    Do not, I repeat do not , take her over there period. I would be outraged. For the safety and comfort of your daughter, i think they should not be able to be a physical part of her life untill they are committed to doping what is absoultely best for her, even if they dont think its that big of a deal..... which it is!

    Heaven forbid she was allergic to peanuts, in which i have heard that you entire throat can swell and suffocate you till you cant breathe. :(
    Maybe';Kate'; is feeling left out. She may feel as if the baby is getting all of the attention. I have a 14yr old who acts up sometimes. I sat down and talked to her about it. Talked to not at, there is a difference. She told me that bad attention is better than no attention. I try to spend a little extra time with her without my oldest or youngest. This has helped a lot. As for the adults I don't know what to tell you accept to agree with the others and stay away.
    Wow! I'm shocked that your in-laws are so unaware of the dangers of allergies...My son has a nut allergy and has to have an epi-pen wherever he goes..Allergies are no joke..and you really need to get your point matter how hard it may be.. or keep your daughter out of their house until they can respect your wishes not to have anything put on her....that is ridiculous and you need to put your foot down...It could become a dangerous situation for your daughter if she was to go into anaphylactic shock...You and your husband have to get this under control immediately...Good Luck!
    easy fix, stop leaving your daughter alone with ';kate';. She cant put anything on her she isnt suppose to if you are there. Stop taking your daughter to their house untill they get it through there head. Next, teach your daughter, since she is fairly old enough to start learning, that no one is aloud to put lotions or chapstick on her unless it is you or dad doing it.
    Keep your child away from them...period. If/when they ask why you can tell them.
    What I would do is the next time that your daughter ends up with swollen lips or another allergy reaction because of ';Kate';, take your daughter to the doctor, then get a copy of the charges for the doctor visit and present it to your in-laws, saying:

    ';I have talked to you over and over about this, and you really don't seem to understand just how serious it really is. Yes, it is serious. Here is the doctor's bill to prove it. Since you have chosen to ignore my repeated requests for help in the matter and decided not to discuss it with Kate and make her stop, I think it is only fair that if I ever need to take little Missy Sue Ellen Anne to the doctor again because of allergic reactions brought on by Kate's interference and stubbornness and your lack of concern, that you pay the bill each time, as well as any costs for prescriptions, and Heaven forbid, reconstructive surgery later in life if this leads to permanent scarring. You are on notice.';

    Yes, it's a hardball approach, but these people sound like they're dumb as rocks and won't understand any other kind of approach.

    Good luck.
    Im GRANDMOTHER AND RAISED 10 KIDS I say if they cant go by ur rules and ur daughters safety then they dont need to see her till shes old enough to make them choices your job as a mother is to protect her at all costs
    Tell them that you can no longer come over to visit them because they are putting your child's life in danger by not controlling their daughter.

    There is NO excuse and NO reason to not punish *Kate* severley for what she is doing.

    I would be running from those in-laws like they were anthrax.
    Sorry..i really dont know how to answer your question but it sounds like your husbands parents need to learn to respect your wishes and teach their ***** of a daughter to listen!
    My God how absolutely rude can they be? I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.

    My honest opinion is cut the family out all together. When they ask why you aren't calling or visiting or allowing them to visit, tell them it's because it's the only way you can seem to keep your daughter SAFE. Sure they may be insulted and taken a back, but it's your daughter and her safety is of the utmost priority... period. Once they realize you're serious about cutting them out, they should get the hint. If they still seem to not care, then just pat yourself on the back for getting rid of the threat against your daughter. Clearly they have no respect for her welfare and as a child who depends on adults for guidance, they're setting an atrocious example.

    I wish you the very, very best!
    I had the same problems with my ex's mom she was a nut. we eventually broke up and I left town. He was a momma's boy and we lived accross the street from her. just move. you don't need to put your girls life in danger for their happiness.